"I can't say enough about how powerful the DaySculpting Program was for me. I felt that I truly created my day by starting off with the video and the audio meditation. Then, by listing my 3 Success Steps in the morning and "checking in" during the day, I allowed myself to plan exactly what I wanted and keep in check with the plan. At night, I could look back at the day and see exactly what I accomplished.
On Saturdays I could look at the week in review and on Sundays I planned and prepared for the coming week. Because I was beginning a new branch of my business at the time that the program began, I had a perfect opportunity to "test" how effective DaySculpting was, and gosh, it truly helped me to explode professionally in just 90 days.
I exceeded my original objectives gaining more customers domestically and growing my team faster than I ever would have without this powerful program. I have missed it since it ended and can't wait for a new one to begin. THANK YOU, PAUL!
Daphne M. Evans
San Antonio, TX
Congratulations on committing to changing your life One Day At A Time.
Day Sculpting is a 90-day program that provides you with the transformational tools to help you acquire a new Mindset of Success™ and a range of powerful life-changing habits that will sculpt your perfect days into a great life.
Day Sculpting will teach you:
How to create a Mindset Of Success...By creating a daily Success Ritual and permanent Success Habits.
How to get more done with more time and more energy left over!
The simple, yet powerful, process of building a powerful day so you create a series of "Dynamic Days" - days that will end up building your most incredible life (The one you always thought was out of reach!)
Learn the 'Day Sculpting Principles'. These can have a huge impact on you your life, but when you learn how simple they really are, you can use them easily and consistently!
How in just a few minutes a day, you can keep positive results flowing and put your success energy into a permanent 'ON' position!
And much more!
Day Sculpting is for those who are willing to take their life to the next level by creating new Success Habits replacing the ones that have been sabotaging your success.
So make sure you can honestly agree with the following before experiencing Day Sculpting:
You desire more out of life, yet feel as if you are "missing something" -- that special "X Factor" to take you to the next level?
You are brave enough to boldly say, "I want greater wealth and financial freedom... and I demand the best lifestyle possible for me and my family!
You know the value of joy: You want to experience greater happiness, peace of mind, and connection with your friends and loved ones on a daily basis.
If you agree with the above, and truly want to create the best life possible, with greater wealth, freedom, happiness, love, and fulfillment, then I invite you to click the link below and take the Day Sculpting Tour...it will change the way you think about creating your day and the life you dream about.
"DaySculpting held me accountable and responsible for my actions and the choices I make.
I had tried for years to lose weight. Going from diet to diet and never reaching the results I wanted. I began to wonder if it just wasn't meant to be. I felt myself giving up. It wasn't a good feeling. Then I head about DaySculpting from a friend of mine and my life has never been the same.
First of all I am happy to say that I lost those ugly extra 20 pounds that I had to look at every day...it was painful to look at myself but now I am a thing of beauty!!!!
By simply following the 3 easy and fun parts of DaySculpting I was able to re-train my brain and believe I could lose the weight.
So guess what that weight ain't coming back because now I have a daily success ritual that I use to start my day with the energy and the beliefs that support me...Thanks For Giving Me Hope!"
Terry Sanchez. Evans
Alberta, Canada
If you are interested in joining the Day Sculpting Program please send an email to
[email protected]
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